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Blackhawk Chinese Ministry
Blackhawk Chinese Ministry (BCM) is especially for Chinese-speaking believers and seekers. We are committed to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and equipping disciples. We want to build up the Chinese-speaking community at Blackhawk Church and reach out to the Madison Chinese community, including Chinese visiting scholars and students at UW-Madison. Please come join us!

Mandarin Chinese Worship Service

Sundays, 10:45 AM (CT) | Brader Way (9620 Brader Way, Middleton, WI)

Our worship team leads us to praise God in a blend of contemporary Chinese worship songs and traditional hymns. Services are available below and archived on our YouTube channel.

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Accordion paragraph

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Devotional Prayer Meeting
Daily, 7:15-8 AM | Zoom

Start the day by seeking God together in prayer with other Christ-followers.With thanks and praise, we enter his presence, and let our day begin with peace and strength in our hearts.

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Intercessory Prayer Meeting
Daily, 7-8 PM | Zoom

Starting with a brief devotional reading, we then pray for God’s kingdom and righteousness, for the church, specific prayer requests, the government and leaders, for the global church and evangelism.

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Friday Night Community Groups
Fridays, 7:15-9:15 PM | Brader Way

We meet weekly (biweekly in the summer) for worship, Bible study, and discussion. There are Mandarin-speaking life groups as well as a Bible study groups for people who are new to studying the Bible. Seekers are very welcome. A children’s program is provided for children ages 6-10.

For children ages 0-5, please join our Young Families Life Group, where parents and children participate together for songs, Bibles stories, and play time.

Check the calendar for specific dates and times.

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Men's Groups
Saturdays monthly, 8-10 AM | Brader Way, Room 205B

Check the calendar for specific dates and times.

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Women's Groups
Women’s Bible Study (English)
Wednesdays (English), 7-8:30 AM | Zoom

Women’s Gathering (Chinese)
Tuesdays biweekly, 10 AM – 12 PM | Zoom or Brader Way, Room 162B
Saturdays monthly, 10 AM – 12 PM | Brader Way, Room 109

We meet for Bible study, sharing, praying and potluck. We encourage and support each other in our spiritual growth, and strengthen our faith in Christ. Check the calendar for specific times and places.

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College-Age Groups
Fridays, 7-9 PM | Upper House (365 E Campus Mall #200, Madison)

We have two small groups, one for undergrad and one for grad/PhD students. Free meals provided.

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Basketball & Volleyball Club
Sundays, 1-3 PM | Brader Way Gym

Check the calendar for specific times.

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If you would like one-to-one care, please contact Pastor Huang at [email protected].
Lead Pastor //

Charles Huang

Charles Huang was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan. He attended college in Tokyo, grad school in the San Francisco Bay Area, and Regent College in Vancouver, Canada for his Master of Divinity. His wife Anita was born in Houston, Texas, but moved to Taiwan when she was two, and then to Louisville, Kentucky when she was 9. She later attended Wheaton College. Before his theological education, Charles worked in IT for five years and a fast food chain for nine years.

Charles joined the Blackhawk staff in 2017 as the Pastor of Blackhawk Chinese Ministry. Charles and Anita have a daughter and a son, Kaitlyn and Kasen. They enjoy playing board games and traveling to Taiwan to visit family and friends.

Sunday Messages

Charles Yu - February 2, 2025


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