Grow your Faith

New to Faith
You have decided to follow Jesus and we are so excited for you! This reading plan will help you discover who you are in Christ and what you’re invited into as you walk with Jesus in community.
Year-Long Plans

Love This Book
Read through the entire narrative of the Bible, creating a habit of seeking God’s word regularly. We want to fall in love with the Bible and experience God’s will for our lives, both personally and in the context of our world.
Love This Book is a year-long reading plan, which corresponds with our Sunday messages, and is divided into four parts.
Interested in doing Love This Book at your church? Download the materials here.
Adult Reading Plan
PART 2 – Reading Plan & Journal // YouVersion
PART 3 – Reading Plan & Journal // YouVersion
PART 4 – Reading Plan & Journal // YouVersion
Kids Reading Plan
PART 2 – YouVerson Kids reading plan // Preschool reading plan, Elementary/56 reading plan
PART 3 – YouVersion Kids reading plan // Preschool reading plan // Elementary/56 reading plan
PART 4 – YouVersion Kids reading plan // Preschool reading plan // Elementary/56 reading plan
Sunday Messages
PART 1: God and Israel: Origins
PART 2: God and Israel: Prophets and Kings
PART 3: God and the Messiah
PART 4: God and the Church

Eat This Book
Following aspects of the traditional Jewish order in the Old Testament, this Eat This Book reading plan offers a sustainable reading pace, allowing you to experience first the Old Testament and then the New Testament in one year.
Each day, you’ll explore an average of four chapters, and you’ll close your time in prayer by reading a Psalm.
Reading Plan
The Bible in Five: Watch a five minute video on how to read every book of the Bible.
Study Bibles:
- ESV Study Bible or NIV Study Bible
- The Essential Bible Companion | John Walton – Contains a two-page overview of every book of the Bible.
- The NIV Compact Bible Commentary | John Sailhamer – An inexpensive, one-volume commentary on the entire Bible.
Sunday Messages
Short-Term Plans

Practices of Advent
In the Advent season, we prepare our hearts to celebrate Christ’s entry into our world. We know it’s not easy to remain focused on Jesus throughout this busy season. It takes practice.
With that in mind, we’ve created a Scripture plan to read throughout the Advent season. The plan also includes a weekly practice that will help your heart and mind engage with the themes of Advent – hope, peace, joy and love.

Psalms Mixtape
Explore how this book can give words to our prayers and help us grow in our relationship with God.

Life By the Spirit
The Life by the Spirit Scripture & Practices plan provides Scripture and devotional content to help you “keep in step” with the Spirit of God (Galatians 5:25). The plan covers five weeks, and each week includes a daily prayer, Scripture and practices to help you open yourself to the movement of the Spirit in our lives.

30-Day Reading Plan
Over the course of 30 days, this reading plan will take you through the entire book of Acts. Each day you’ll read a chapter or less and respond to reflection questions. There are also resources linked to each reading to deepen your understanding of Acts.

The Story of God
What is the overarching story of the Bible? What is God doing in the world? Take the next 30 days to walk through the story of God as revealed in the Scriptures.