
What We Believe //


“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)

An Outward Sign

Of an Inward Reality

We believe that baptism is for believers who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. Water baptism is an outward sign of an inward reality, signifying to family and friends that you have decided to follow Jesus. Baptism is a special moment to experience in a tactile way what God has done for you in Christ.

If you believe that Christ died for your sins and that He is your only hope for eternal life, then baptism might be the next step in your faith journey.

Accordion paragraph

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Messages on Baptism
We believe that baptism is for believers, people who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ. If you believe that Christ died for your sins and that He is your only hope for eternal life, then baptism might be the next step in your journey of faith. If you’re still not sure if baptism is right for you, watch this message on baptism.

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Baptism Booklet
To learn more about baptism, download our baptism booklet. If you would like a physical copy, they are also available at your site’s Information Desk.

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Child Dedication
Child Dedication is an opportunity for a parent to intentionally express their desire and commitment to raising their child to know and love God.

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Baptism Service

Friday, April 25, 7 PM | Brader Way

To be baptized at our next service, submit a baptism commitment form.

Commitment forms due Sunday, March 30. 
Questions? Contact [email protected]